The government deficit and national debt are increasing along with the growth in the whole economy. However, the deficit rate will be kept at 2.1%, which demonstrates continuity of our fiscal policy. 财政赤字和国债规模随着经济总量扩大而有所增加,但赤字率稳定在2.1%,体现了财政政策的连续性。
This paper analyses the factors and effects of declining of increasing rate of household deposit and gives policy suggestion. 本文对1999年下半年以来我国储蓄存款增幅下降的原因和影响进行分析,提出相应政策建议。
To ensure the macro economy increasing continuously, the moderate inflation policy at the rate of 3 to 6 percent should be the medium term and long objective of macro economic policy in China. 为确保我国宏观经济的持续增长,3%-6%的温和的通货膨胀政策,应是我国中长期宏观经济操作的主要目标和基本归宿。
Plus, local governments were blind pursuit increasing the rate of PME after the free charge policy, but the actual implementation results of PME were not satisfactory. 另外,婚检变成由政府埋单免费提供后,各地一味追求婚检率的提高,而婚检的实际实施效果却不尽如人意。
In fact, those factors include economy increasing rate, interest rate, save rate, inflation rate, policy, psychology etc. 从实际情况看,这些因素主要包括经济增长率、利率、储蓄率、通货膨胀率、政策、心理、等。
Rate of stocking fisheries increasing, time of embargo and sloping fishing extend, breeding protect area enlarge, fishing rate decreasing, submerged plant comeback are the main policy control small-scale fisheries development. 人工放流比例的增加、封湖禁渔时间的延长,繁殖保护区的扩大、捕捞努力量的下降、沉水植物的恢复是控制渔业小型化的主要措施。